CZ EN    

Natural mammoth tooth-stool, cabochon No. 6

A specialty, a genuine mammoth tooth - molar, ground into a cabochon. (Stool made of mammoth originally from Siberia - Irkutsk). Mammoths ran here about fifteen thousand years ago.

Its patinated coloring is caused by the effects of the weather to which the tooth has been exposed for a long time.

A wonderful natural amulet for all wild men and women.

Hand sanding. Ground, drilled here.

The prehistoric mammoth tusk is not only a symbol of strength and respect, but also the connection of man with nature, and the state of being here and now. It helps to find the way to the ancient, hidden parts of your personality, and helps you to understand them, accept them and learn to use them today.

Availability: in store
Amount: 0 ks